I am currently dealing with something huge. Well, at least in my world I consider it huge.
I never thought I'd be down this road again. I somehow assumed that I'm done about such stuff but I was proved wrong
again. Oh, well. Such is life.
I'm a big believer of chances. I believe that no matter how effed up a situation is or how disheveled a person is, everything and everyone deserves a chance, I don't think the number of chances matter. Every day is a new day. Meaning you're given an opening to correct the mistakes of yesterday or do the things you missed in the past.
I'm a big believer of perspective. I believe that when you choose to see the ugly, it’s all you'd ever see. You fail to recognize the beautiful and just see patches of errors or scraps of fault. But when you change your perspective, your viewpoint, every single thing around you alters. When you focus on the positive side, the brighter side, suddenly all the gray areas are filled with hue and color. You don't mind the cons anymore.
I'm a big believer of risk. It is true that in order to gain something you have to risk something. Nothing in this life comes free. Literally. Emotionally. Financially. When we open our hearts to people, there is no guarantee that pain will not exist. There is no guarantee that friends will not fall apart. There is no guarantee that couples will stay together as long as they live. No guarantee at all but we risk. We risk and shove our fears away because we know that the experience and feeling could be rewarding.
I'm a big believer of love. I believe in sticking together. I believe in braving the odds as one. Love that doesn't necessarily defy but enough to keep the two of you together.
But I also believe in the idea of giving up. There comes a time when you have to raise the flag. When you’ve done everything remotely possible and none seems to work.
I believe in waiting.
But I also believe that there is such a thing as too late.
Can you undo what has been done?