Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to regular programming.

I've been contemplating whether to buy a camera or just save the stash for something more useful. See, I believe I don't have a knack for photography but I reckon I take decent pictures. I have two digital cameras which I rarely use. I have one fisheye lomo which never served its purpose. And I have a horde of cellphones with refined pixels which I have not touched since whenever. Such a waste.

Though, I'm somewhat eying on a different camera. I suppose almost everyone out there has one. But I don't have one so that doesn't make that everyone. Anyway, its the Holga series which I always see at bookstores and other shopping precincts out there. They look so yummy and cute from my end. I wanted to use one as a key chain but realized they're a tad huge to be dangling from my bag. I should've followed my instinct before buying that purple fisheye...but that was like 3 years ago.

THINK. Think. Think.

Holga Candy

Holga Lego

They look like a loot of Skittles to me.


* Pictures from Geekchic, Rugfit, Microsites and Holga Inspire.