Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just another BEER talk.

“Why do you drink that? It doesn’t even taste good.”

One of the many reactions I hear from people who are not really a fan of alcohol.

Beers, wines and spirits are most of the time the life of a party. When a get-together is dreadfully boring or tedious, you can always rely on alcohol to put a little life to the merriment.

Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that has a depressant effect. A high blood alcohol content is usually considered to be legal drunkenness because it reduces attention and slows reaction speed. – WIKIPEDIA

Translation: it lowers human inhibition
Translation of the translation: too much consumption of alcohol can make even the sanest person insane

I’m not trying to prove or negate anything in this entry. This is one subject that’s been discussed and argued a million times over.

Like it or not, beer or any alcohol you prefer, is one drug you’re willing to spend your hard-earned (or not) funds on. Sure, tomorrow you’ll have a terrible hangover. Sure, tomorrow you might not reach work on time. Sure, tomorrow there’s a possibility you puke your lungs out. But at the end of the day, no matter how warped your mind went, there’s still that part inside of you that believes those days you were quaffing beer were one of the many best moments in your life.

To get drunk once in a while is not a crime.
To get drunk always is a crime.